Crisp Minimal Weekly
How Instagram Co-founder Mike Krieger Took Its Engineering Org from 0 to 300 People
Airbnb’s 10 Takeaways from Moving to Microservices
Airbnb 迁移微服务的十大感受,甚合我意。任何一个东西都不是孤立的,如果想做好,必须配套上来。微服务也是如此。
How I Reduced my DB Server Load by 80%
一次追查数据库慢查询负载的过程,最后发现是 model 中定义了忽略大小写,生成的 SQL 中调用 LOWER 函数导致的
Why did we choose Rust over Golang or C/C++ to develop TiKV?
Sorting Visualizations
各种排序算法的 gif 图像
A Five Minutes Guide to Better Typography
Spotify’s Discover Weekly: How machine learning finds your new music
Spotify 歌曲推荐,用了常见的协同和 NLP 方法,最有意思的是 raw audio 模型
Markdown 也是可以 lint 的
React v16.0
经过了协议的风波后,React v16.0发布了。一些相关的库比如 enzyme 也更新了。
NGINX 发布微服务平台、OpenShift Ingress Controller 和 Service Mesh 预览版
NGINX 公司发布了一系列新服务
Dictionary and Set Improvements in Swift 4.0
swift 词典和集合数据类型的改进 亮点在于整篇都在用 emoji 编程
Introducing Abseil, a new common libraries project
Google 开源 C++ 基础库
Microsoft Makes it Official: Becomes Sponsor of Open Source Initiative
微软在 Nadella 带领下成为了开源帝
CURL 作者获得 2017 Polhem Prize,“for a high-level technological innovation or an ingenious solution to a technical problem.”