Crisp Minimal Weekly
CLI: improved
一些现代的 CLI 工具替代品
A gentle introduction to Golang Modules
又一个介绍 go1.11模块的功能很期待
How the Go runtime implements maps efficiently (without generics)
Golang 没有使用范型以及{}interface 而是用指针实现了 hash map
Beyond Interactive: Notebook Innovation at Netflix
Netflix 基于 Jupyter Notebook 的内部使用创新
7 Reasons Why Your Staging Environment Sucks
预览环境不是线上环境 我深表赞同
Here's Why Your Static Website Needs HTTPS
静态也要用 https 的原因
Why use GraphQL, good and bad reasons
GraphQL 的好坏简单看看
Go 2 Draft Designs
Go 2的草稿设计,目前只有范型和错误处理部分,感觉不太习惯
Rules of Machine Learning: Best Practices for ML Engineering
Rule #1: Don’t be afraid to launch a product without machine learning.
Auth0 Architecture: Running In Multiple Cloud Providers And Regions
Auth0的架构 简单的说就是 aws+ 高可用
TypeScript at Google
关于推和用 typescript 的内容不多,主要就是将当初 Google 的一些做法和技术债
Reboot Your Dreamliner Every 248 Days To Avoid Integer Overflow