Crisp Minimal Weekly
Why you can have millions of Goroutines but only thousands of Java Threads
为什么 Goroutines 可以百万级而 Java 线程只有千级?文章给出了答案顺带说明了 Goroutine 的一些实现
Protobuffers Are Wrong
Let's face it. You are not Google scale and you never will be. Stop cargo-culting technology just because "Google uses it" and therefore "it's an industry best-practice." 发人深省。现在越来越觉得 Google 很多实践其实很诡异,比如 gerrit
The Python Unicode Mess
Yes, it's mess!
The Illustrated TLS Connection
TLS 流程一目了然
10 practices for readable code
最近在读 Clean Code,辅助一下
Stop writing lambda expressions in Python
RT. Just like its title
12 Factor CLI Apps
一些做 cli 的最佳实践
Creating a bash completion script
如何写 bash 自动补全
Choosing a (Language) Stack
wework 选择了 go 做 microservice。对比了半天最后是投票决定 go,单说方式有些缺乏说服力,但并非匪夷所思。
About static site generators
What Did Ada Lovelace's Program Actually Do?
Git, done Sublime
Sublime Text 同门图形化 git 工具
How to Build a Low-tech Website?
用浏览器跑 Basic,惊讶得是输出居然是黑屏 terminal 下的锯齿强的飞起的图片
How we rolled out one of the largest Python 3 migrations ever
本以为是 server,实际是用 python 写的跨平台客户端开发升级到了3
本文原文由知名 Hacker Eric S. Raymond 所撰寫,教你如何正確的提出技術問題並獲得你滿意的答案。
Windows is Available (Early Release)