Crisp Minimal Weekly
3 Things Go Needs Right Now More Than Generics
enums, universal nil, and concise error handling
Partitioning GitHub’s relational databases to handle scale
looks good but I want to use those SQL/transaction linters
What could Go wrong with a mutex, or the Go profiling story
Effective Code Browsing
use it as grep cookbook for code
Memcached vs Redis
Why we spent the last month eliminating PostgreSQL subtransactions
GitLab eliminated SAVEPOINT
7 Code Patterns in Go I Can’t Live Without
Feature comparison of ack, ag, git-grep, GNU grep and ripgrep
Author's notes: There are many greplike tools available to choose from. ripgrep is currently the fastest, which folks seem to focus on, but they have different features. Here's a chart to help you see which tools can do what.
Redis Anti-Patterns Every Developer Should Avoid
Anatomy of a Terminal Emulator
The Insane Innovation of TI Calculator Hobbyists
programming on TI calculator (Z80)
Removing my site from Google search