Crisp Minimal Weekly
Java's Separate Chaining HashMap implementation performs good
The last one is "Don't write internal cli tools in python"
sounds realistic
good tips for GitHub Actions
"pretend it’s 2005" while using vue and esbuild
getElementById is much faster
tips for defensive css
"It’s also no wonder that Ruby feels like a natural fit for developers building more fluent, perhaps safer, APIs and DSLs. Ruby wants programmers to model the domain, not the programming environment, and for many jobs this feels like the right approach."
Learning Nix is pretty hard, so the author kept a diary of every command he tried
Git ls-files is 5 times faster than fd or find, but why?
No, these tools accomplish different goals, however they can be used in combination to provide the best of both worlds: reproducible builds and containerized deployments.
The involvement of GitHub code search
HashiCorp listed