Crisp Minimal Weekly
Why our team cancelled our move to microservices
"we found that microservices weren’t a fit for us, and required significant compromises. The compromises robbed us of any of the benefits and meant that moving to microservices was a net loss."
What's in a Good Error Message?
What's a good error message and some best practices
The Modern Guide to OAuth
Why is my Rust build so slow?
PHP in 2022
Golang’s most important feature is invisible
base http server is fast than many other languages
Go is about to get a whole lot faster
faster duque
State of the Web: Static Site Generators
Go performance from version 1.2 to 1.18
Go performance improved from 1.2 to 1.18
Two reasons Kubernetes is so complex
Vue 3 as the New Default
A pipe operator for JavaScript: introduction and use cases
Building an Intelligent Emacs
LSP fuels Emacs (also vim/neovim) with language specific completion and error checks out of box
I accidentally used YAML.parse instead of JSON.parse, and it… worked?
YAML is a superset of JSON
Yes, I can connect to a DB in CSS