Crisp Minimal Weekly
Why We Write Everything in Go
Python perf sucks and why we GO
Experience Report: 6 months of Go
An experience report with deep insights
Shaving 40% Off Google’s B-Tree Implementation with Go Generics
Generics can be faster than interface{}
Safer Enums
safer enums using custom data struct
Why LSP?
how lsp solved the problems between languages and editors.
Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks
I have no idea why full stack is the fourth. Rails/Django and various PHP frameworks are full stack already for a long time.
Demystifying Database Performance for Developers
Why Ruby has Symbols
dive into ruby internals to know why it has symbols
8 Javascript quiz that may confuse you
Go's Concurrency Examples in Java 19
It shows that Go concurrency is syntax candy
Why companies move off Heroku (besides the cost)
Lack of resource controls; Networking limitations; Limited regions; Frequent outages
Stop Validating Email Addresses With Regex
You just cannot valid email addresses simply with regex
Starting a blank Jekyll site with Tailwind CSS in 2022
Modernizing AWK, a 45-year old language, by adding CSV support
awk implemented with Go and added CSV support
Go Developer Survey 2021 Results
1. 92% satisfied; 2. The biggest challenges when using modules; 3. 91% prefer VS Code
New data: Do developers think Web3 will build a better internet?
「Most are building experience with blockchain in their free time or haven’t touched it at all.」